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16 July

Use SEO Searches to Cater Google Towards You

Though a website is the first step towards building your online presence, it’s simply not enough to make a statement in today’s digital landscape. There are hundreds of millions of websites – how do you make someone filter through all of the other extraneous results, just so that they can land on yours instead of the rest? It may seem like a game of chance (and in a sense it is), but there are certain ways to up your probabilities for success.


Search engines can provide results that are widespread and overwhelming, but there are techniques to make sure your audience can find you within the crowd. Using SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a key way to utilize certain words and phrases that work not only with what customers want, but also accurately apply to what you’re trying to sell to them. This goes for adverts across social media, like Facebook ads and links. You’ll have greater insight into how you’ll be able to directly change your website content to fit what appeals customers most.

While the world of SEO and conversion is a tricky topic that goes incredibly in-depth, there are a few tips you can keep in mind when you’re trying to get yourself started.


Without the right keywords, your website can easily be buried under the mountain that is Google Search. So what keywords should you choose exactly? Unfortunately, the answer is not so crystal clear; there are multiple types of consumers to consider, from the general home buyer to the individual hoping to snag a select style of housing from the 1950’s at a specific location at an exact price. It is impossible to account for all the possible scenarios, so the best way is to split your content into covering both, moreso to the specifics.

Most websites and site creators think the immediate route to take is to use the most popular search words – “clothing”, “food”, etc. – as they attract the highest number of searches. However, because a massive amount of websites contain these keywords, the chances of your website climbing the ranks are much less probable. The best bet is to focus more on the specific ideas, as the individual that searches for that select 1950’s home is more likely than not already prepared to buy the home than the casual customer who’s only browsing around. This can be compared to someone who simply searches “house”; with such a broad search inquiry, they are most likely not as willing to purchase.

Tailoring more towards specific ideas may attract a niche audience, but it’s a niche audience that will be more invested in what you’re offering. Keeping both sides, specific key words and non-specific keywords, in check will give your website the best chance to be seen by both crowds. (But watch out for keyword over-stuffing!)


You’ll have much more success if you understand your crowd. Should you use website structures and words that appeal to an older demographic? Or should the aesthetic be kept colorful instead of professional?

Know what you sell, know your audience and know what that specific demographic is looking for. These are the 3 key steps for any website to optimize themselves positively; from then on, headlines, links and navigation tactics can be improved with the customer in mind. This is also essential to keeping your reputation and brand consistently positive.

If you need more help, hit us up for a consultation! We’ll know how to optimize your website in no time.

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